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News Archives (from April 2014 to March 2017)

21 March 2017: the 34th Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Time Perception.

7 March 2017: the 33rd Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Human Communication, Perception and Computer Interfacing.

17 January 2017: the 32nd Perceptual Frontier Seminar: How to Measure Capacities of the Auditory System.

17-18 December 2016: Auditory Research Meeting, the Acoustical Society of Japan. The program was decided. Invited talk by Prof. Lihan Chen takes place.

15 December 2016: the 31st Perceptual Frontier Seminar, with Prof. Lihan Chen.

7 October 2016: Lecture by Dr. Hidemi KOMATSU (Language: Japanese), supported by ReCAPS. The title deadline of the Auditory Research Meeting, which will be held on 17, 18 December 2016 in Ohashi Campus, has been extended until 7 October 2016.

29 September 2016: the 30th Perceptual Frontier Seminar. After the Seminar, we will go for lunch as well as a farewell party.

10 and 22 August 2016: the 28th and 29th Perceptual Frontier Seminars.

16 and 30 June 2016: the 26th and 27th Perceptual Frontier Seminars.

1 June 2016: A new associate member, Dr. Kentaro YAMAMOTO, joined into the Perceptual and Brain-Scientific Research Group of our Center.

14-15 May 2016: the Spring Meeting of the Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition took place in Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University, cosponsored by Faculty of Design, Kyushu University and the Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science, with 58 participants.

1 April 2016: the member's list was renewed.

6-8 March 2015: The 48th Colloquium on Perception and International Five-Sense Symposium took place in Hita, Oita.

2 December 2014, 15:15-17:30: "The 19th Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Temporal Aspects of Perception and Communication" is scheduled. We have three special guests, Willy WONG (Univ. Toronto), Hugo LEPAGE (Univ. Toronto), and Mark A. ELLIOTT (National Univ. Ireland, Galway), one of our faculty members, Yuko YAMASHITA (Kyushu Univ.), and two of our graduate students, Takuya KISHIDA (Kyushu Univ.) and Shinya ISAJI (Kyushu Univ.), as talkers.

11 August 2014, 14:50-18:40: Special Lecture, "An Introduction to Independent Component Analysis (ICA)" is to be held in Room 411 on the 1st Floor of the Building 4, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University, given by Noboru MURATA (Waseda Univ.).

31 July 2014, 13:00-14:20: "The 17th Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Preview Talks for ICMPC 13-APSCOM 5" is to be held.

17 July 2014, 13:00-16:20: Special lecture, "Bioacoustics: Acoustical environment analysis and innovative measurement techniques applied to auditory research" is to be given by Hiroshi RIQUIMAROUX (Doshisha University) in 512 (13:00-14:30) and 322 (14:50-16:20), Ohashi Campus, Kyushu Univerisity. Language: Japanese.

14 July 2014, 15:00-18:00: "The 16th perceptual Frontier Seminar: Finding Intimate Terms with Speech Production and Fong Taste" is to be held in Room 601, Building 3, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University, with three special guests, W. WONG and H. DAJANI from Canada, Y. YOSHIMURA from Dept. Agriculture, Kyushu Univ., and two young scientists, T. KISHIDA and Z. BAO.

11 July 2014, 16:00-18:00: "The 15th Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Preview Talks" is scheduled. Talkers are E. TOMIMATSU, Y. NAKAJIMA, E. HASUO, and S. MORIMOTO.

24 June 2014, 13:00-14:30 and 16:40-18:10: "Special Lecture about Non-negative Matrix Factorization" is to be held in Room 532, 3rd Floor, Building 5, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University. The lecture is given by Dr. Hirokazu KAMEOKA (NTT Communication Science Laboratories/Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo).

23 June 2014, 18:30-20:00: "The 14th Perceptual Frontier Seminar" is to be held in Room 411, Building 4, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University, together with Ken-ichi SAWAI and Takako MITSUDO (Kyushu University).

23 April 2014, 17:00-19:00: "The 13th Perceptual Frontier Seminar: Social Development and Language Learning" is to be held in Room 411, Building 4, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University, together with Yohko M. SHIMADA (Doshisha University), Yuko YAMASHITA (Kyushu Univeristy/ReCAPS), and David HIRSH (University of Sydney).

News Archives (from March 2013 to March 2014)

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Last updated: Friday, March 14, 2025
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